Features Film

Our 6 Casting Choices for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

1. Tom Felton/Jena Malone

TF and JM

Out of all of the pairs, I think these two look the most like how I envision Pietro and Wanda. Tom Felton has the white blonde hair and piercing eyes, not to mention that impatient air he perfected over 10 years as Draco Malfoy. Jena Malone, meanwhile, has surprised me ever since I first saw her in Saved. She’s grown into her dark features and gained a fierce stare that makes her a perfect fit as The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’s Johanna Mason. And really, when you’re looking for young stars these days, where better to look than the ranks of Harry Potter and the Hunger Games?

Beyond the fact that these two have a bit more star pull than my other picks, I think that as a pair, they would be the most Avenger-y of the bunch. Where I see Franco and Hyland as more like the X-Men: Evolution versions and feel that Abel and Cole’s twins might fit better in the X-Men film series, these are the two I could see fitting in best in the MCU.

Aside from looking the part, both Felton and Malone have proven themselves as actors in various films and I think both would do well as superheroes. Felton especially feels like a great choice as Quicksilver, and I for one would love to see how he handles a hero role as opposed a villainous one. That said, depending on where the character goes, we could get to see Felton’s evil side once more…

– David


Do you think our pairs should be sped onto the big screen or would our choices bring more bad fortune to Avengers 2 than a hex bolt? Is there anyone else you would like to see take on the roles? Weigh in below!


About the author

Robert Wallis

You can also read Rob's work at www.ofallthefilmblogs.blogspot.com.