
Top 10 Episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

9. Prophecy Girl (1×12)

BTVS master

To say the least, Season 1 of BtVS was a mixed bag, so it’s not a shock that the best episode of the season was the finale.  This episode deals with Buffy overhearing a prophecy stating that the slayer will die at the hands of The Master, who is the ‘big bad’ of the season.  After overhearing Giles say this to Angel (David Boreanaz) our slayer quits.  After seeing how bad things are getting in Sunnydale she decides to take matters into her own hands and fights The Master.

Since they shot all episodes of Season 1 before airing there was no clear sign of a Season 2 so it’s the first time in the series where death can happen to any of the characters.  The themes of this episode work well as a precursor to Season 2, and the actors have settled into their roles.  This also marks the first time Buffy dies in the series, and the only time she gets resurrected by any ‘normal’ means.  If you, for whatever reason, decide to skip Season 1, make sure you at least watch this as your first episode.

About the author

Philip Suson


  • Most excellent list! Anyanka’s death in The Chosen always got to me too…

    Personally, I always had a soft spot for The Zeppo.

  • So glad that Hush is on here – it has always been my favorite – nothing like The Gentleman to make life a little creepier.