
5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About New Superman Henry Cavill

1. He Could Have Been Edward


This entry could arguably have been merged with No. 4, but, loathe though I am to admit it, the Twilight books have been a major cultural force in the last couple years and it’s interesting to imagine a world in which the character of Edward, the series’ vampire love interest, wasn’t defined by his hair-do and a whole generation of tweens and lonely older women spent their days ogling a different set of abs.

Despite being author Stephanie Meyer‘s first choice, Cavill was apparently too old by the time the first film came around and so lost out to Robert Pattinson, whom, as aforementioned bad luck would have it, had also beaten him to the role of Cedric Diggory three years before. We at AP2HYC would like to suggest some sort of hand-to-hand combat between the two to settle what we’re sure is a long-standing feud.

Winner gets Amy Adams‘ Lois as a love interest; loser gets stuck with Bella.


So, that’s it with our list. How many of it did you already know? What do you think of our choices? Should we have gone for the fact that Henry Cavill used to own a parrot or that if he hadn’t become an actor he would probably have become an archaeologist? What do you think of his casting?

Any thoughts, any at all: sound off in the comments section.

About the author

Robert Wallis

You can also read Rob's work at www.ofallthefilmblogs.blogspot.com.

1 Comment

  • Did you know that his brother is a decorated war hero? Also i heard he was trained by the same guy who trained Gerard Butler for 300? I’m not even a big fan of his I just know miles of celeb trivia!